Cygienic vCISO

AI-Powered Cyber Risk Mgmt Platform

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Scan, Rate And Monitor Cyber Risks In Your Business, Supply Chain & Investments.

By harnessing AI automation, Cygienic vCISO consolidates all necessary cybersecurity and risk mgmt. tools and reports into a single, user-friendly platform. From attack surface mgmt. and cyber risk assessment, to financial exposure analysis, and compliance monitoring, our solution streamlines these intricate processes, saving valuable time, money, and resources - all from one platform.


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Cygienic vCISO Features



      Cygienic vCISO

      From $299/mth

Company & Vendor Attack Surface Scanning and Cyber RatingsYes
Unlimited ASM Domain ScanningYes
Automated ASM Schedules & NotificationYes
ASM vCISO Report & Remediation Guide  Yes
Remediation Priority Tracking and CostingYes
Adjustable ASM Risk Threshold MonitoringYes
Cygienic Proprietary Compliance Auditor + Supporting PoliciesYes
ISO27001/NIST/PCI/ + Add Company Compliance AssessmentYes
Compliance Status Query ReportsYes
Compliance Report & Remediation GuideYes
Remediation Priority Tracking and CostingYes
Compliance Risk Threshold MonitoringYes
Company Financial Risk Calculator  Yes
Adjustable Financial CalculatorYes
Cyberattack Financial Exposure and Probability CalculationYes
Multiple Company MonitoringYes
Multiple Vendors MonitoringYes
Admin & Multiple User AccountYes
Company Branding Yes
vCISO DashboardsYes
Technical SupportYes
Amend/Register/Assign New CompaniesYes
Adjust Risk ThresholdsYes
Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM)Yes
Live Vulnerability ScannerYes
Live Data Discovery ScannerYes
Live Email Credential Breach ScannerYes
IP Address & Malware Scanner  Yes
Cyber Policy Tool KitYes
Cyber Technical GuidesYes
Cyber Awareness PDFsYes
Threat Intelligence EditorYes


Cygienic vCISO Platform Management

Attack Surface Managment (ASM)

Conduct a non-intrusive cybersecurity assessment of your company's internet-facing assets, including web servers, applications, websites, and email systems. This evaluation reviews security settings and identifies potential vulnerabilities, providing a comprehensive cybersecurity rating and remediation recommendations.

ASM Checkpoints

Email Security 6         25         11%       
Webpage Security 113615%
Data Privacy                     93214%
System Compromised54017%
System Vulnerabilities85926%
Bad Open Ports 163817%


Security Compliance Management

From industry regulations and standard questionnaires to security policies and awareness material, the platform has everything pre-built and centrally managed for you. 

  • Compliance workflow & assignment management
  • Third-party collaboration and assignment
  • Real-time compliance data dashboards & automated mgmt reports
  • Security policies, guides, and awareness training material
  • Pre-built proprietary scoring for ISO27001/ PCI/ GDPR / NIST / CIS / UK Cyber Essential + more


Third-Party Risk Mgmt (TPRM) 

The Cygienic third-party risk mgmt (TPRM) module offers a comprehensive set of cybersecurity risk assessment programmes to help you manage and monitor your supply chain risks. With our cutting-edge technology, we can help identify and address potential vendor cyber risks. 

  • Assess the critical supply chain and essential business partners through a non-intrusive ASM
  • Cyber Threat Management
  • Security Compliance Management
  • Financial Risk Management


Vulnerability & Data Discovery

Utilize industry-standard tools to scan your company's internet services for known vulnerabilities. Receive a technical report with improvement recommendations. Additionally, our security analysts will conduct a phishing test via an email campaign to evaluate your company's susceptibility.

  • Data discovery search
  • Adversary threat analysis
  • Email credential breach checks
  • Vulnerability scans
  • System compromised checks
  • IP address Compromise
  • Malware monitoring


Financial Risk Management

Employ risk quantification modeling to analyze the potential financial consequences of cyber incidents, such as attacks, breaches, or ransomware. This analysis aids in budgeting and strategic planning for cybersecurity risks.

This provides a comprehensive, simple measurement of the potential risk versus the return on investment. From calculating cyber insurance premiums to the cost of data breaches and ransomware, it can build your financial risk profile, allowing you to make more informed cybersecurity investment choices. Why wait to calculate an event cost, especially when you can financially mitigate a future event, today!

  • Data breach cost analysis
  • Ransomware cost analysis
  • System breach cost analysis
  • Business Interruption cost analysis
  • Cyber Insurance cost analysis


Malware Tracker Management   

Our Malware Tracker Service is included with our standard Cygienic Subscription. This service provides continuous scans of your registered assets to identify Remote Access Trojans (RATs) and Command and Control (C&C) botnets. You will be promptly alerted via phone calls, email, and WhatsApp if any malware is discovered

  • Real-time IP malware monitoring and notification
  • Remote Attack Trojans (RATs)
  • Command & Control (C&C) Botnets


Automation, Workflow & Reporting 

Executive summary reports designed for board-level presentations, facilitating a clear understanding of the company's risk profile. Receive a high-level recommendation report for framework controls and policies, including policy documents, tech guides, playbooks, and security awareness training samples, supported by insights from previous stages.

  • Automated system-generated reports
  • Automated scheduled scans, notification emails, insurer policy.
  • Workflow, assignments, and approval processes
  • Company, subsidiary, dept's, and vendor management
  • Security analysis dashboards
  • Risk threshold management
  • Prioritization & tiering for risk remediation
  • Admin and multi-tier accounts
  • Insurer cyber policy and pricing


Business Use Cases

The Cygienic has provided great insights and benefits to many companies. From Cyber insurers and technology integrators to large corporations, we have successfully delivered our platform on our promise that out of the box, you get immediate and valuable ROI.

  • Cybersecurity risk indicators for investors, insurers, and auditors to measure risk
  • Compliance modules to manage vendor, regulator, and auditor requirements
  • Attack surface management for vulnerability management and cyber threat analysis
  • Third-party risk management to secure the supply chain.


Contact for Cygienic subscriptions. 

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