Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM)

...Powered by Cygienic vCISO

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Third-Party Supply Chain Risk Management: Compliance, Cyber Ratings, And Financial Exposure. 


The Cygienic third-party risk mgmt (TPRM) module offers a comprehensive set of cybersecurity risk assessment programmes to help you manage and monitor your supply chain risks. With our cutting-edge technology, we can help identify and address potential vendor cyber risks. That way, you can rest easy knowing that your vendor relationships will not disrupt your own business. 

All our assessments are non-invasive, using open-source data feeds and our stealth intelligence tools. They are legal and above board, plus the target company is not alerted, or made aware of our assessments. What’s more, they are a cost-effective way to minimize your potential cybersecurity risk.

Your Cygienic account will be furnished with the subsequent data points. These will aid you in expediting your company's valuation, detecting security vulnerabilities for potential new business prospects, or enhancing both your personal and your partnership cybersecurity posture.

  • Company attack surface data 
  • Company ratings & remediation reports  
  • A full list of vendor domains, subdomains, and IP addresses


Third-Party Module    

  • Attack surface management 
  • Financial impact calculator 
  • Cybersecurity dashboards  
  • Threat intelligence service
  • Email credential breach
  • Data leak check 
  • Vulnerability scans 
  • Compromised server checks
  • Workflow management
  • Multi-tenanted, multi-user 
  • Company compliance questionnaires 


Contact for Cygienic subscriptions.  

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